Learn Tagalog 02
Tagalog pronunciation: Consonants
Welcome back! In this video, we’ll take a look at the consonants found in Tagalog.
Let’s start with the Tagalog /k/, /p/ and /t/. Ka, pa, ta. These three consonants are pronounced without a puff of air after them. So they’re like the /k/, /p/ and /t/ in skill, spill and still. And not the ones in kill, pill and till, which have a puff of breath after them. So again, ka, pa and ta.
Then you have the sound /ng/. Nga. This sound can also be found at the beginning of a word in Tagalog. For example, ngayon, which means today or now. You can practice this initial /ng/ sound by saying ringing…, ri… nging.
Then there’s the Tagalog /r/. Ra. It’s similar to the double /t/ in better in most accents of American English, or it can be slightly rolled. Ra.
Now, let’s quickly go through the consonant sounds you’ll find in native Tagalog words:
ba, da, ga
ha, ka, la
ma, na, nga
pa, ra, sa
ta, wa, ya.
There’s actually another consonant sound in Tagalog, which is called the glottal stop, but we’ll cover that in a later video.
Lastly, let’s pronounce the Tagalog /ll/ and what we call en-ye in Tagalog. These are found in words borrowed from Spanish.
lla – it’s like an /l/
followed by a /y/
and ña – a bit like the /gn/ in lasagna
In the next video, we’ll take a look at long vowels in Tagalog words.
Thank you for watching.
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