Copyright Notice
- General
- What is permitted
- Clarifying common misconceptions
- What is not permitted
- Penalties
- Reporting infringements
- Authorized copies
- Requesting permission
- Final note: Why?
© 2009–2023 Frederik and Fiona De Vos. All rights reserved.
All material (“content”) on is the property of Frederik and Fiona De Vos, and protected by copyright. This includes all material sold through
Registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.
What is permitted
✔ Downloading free PDF and MP3 files, which we (the authors) call “Downloads,” or which we encourage people to download (“Download the…”), for your personal use.
✔ Downloading your purchased ebooks and MP3 files for your personal use.
✔ Making backup copies of the above-mentioned downloads, as long as they are accessible only to you and members of your household.
✔ Copying limited portions of any of our material for your personal notes, as long as they are accessible only to you, your tutor and members of your household.
✔ Copying brief excerpts or quotations for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, face-to-face teaching, scholarship or research, if it is for non-commercial purposes, and if it does not negatively affect the potential market for, or value of the work, or harm the copyright owners’ ability to sell the work (fair use). If you have any questions about fair use, please contact us.
✔ Using the Online Edition of the course as a paying user, and using Lesson 1 as a trial user.
✔ Reading or watching the free material on this website.
Clarifying common misconceptions
✘ Acknowledging the source, such as, Learning Tagalog, Essential Tagalog Grammar, or the authors, does not permit copying. Likewise, linking to the source does not permit copying.
✘ Use for educational, non-commercial or non-profit purposes does not permit copying. (Note: We give generous discounts on a case-by-case basis. Just contact us.)
✘ Changing, editing, revising, annotating, elaborating, adapting, transforming, condensing, abridging, translating, replacing words, or making other modifications, or creating derivative works, is not permitted.
✘ Just because material is provided for free does not mean it can be copied.
✘ Seeing others infringe copyright is not an excuse to do it too. Just because many people are doing something does not make it right.
In other words, even if you acknowledge the source, use the work for non-commercial purposes, modify or edit the work, or claim that it is freely accessible, or that others are copying it too, you are still committing a copyright infringement by copying the work without permission.
What is not permitted
Except for the uses mentioned under What is permitted above, all other uses are strictly prohibited, including but not limited to:
✘ Copying, downloading, recording, reproducing, distributing, publishing, displaying, performing, transmitting, modifying, creating derivative works, selling, offering for sale, or in any way exploiting any of the content, on any website, computer program, app, network, local area network, database, or any electronic retrieval system, or in print, or in any other form by any means, without the written permission of the copyright owners.
✘ Sharing account details, usernames, passwords, personal links, and purchased downloads, except with members of your household.
✘ Using more than brief excerpts of our material for teaching purposes, without each student purchasing their own copy. (Note: We offer group discounts for this purpose.)
✘ Using any of our material in apps, websites, flash cards, dictionaries, videos, audio, handouts, infographics, tables, or other material.
✘ Hosting or giving access to our material, even if it’s behind a login, and even if it’s not findable or searchable.
Penalties for copyright infringement include actual damages or statutory damages of up to $150,000 per work in the case of willful infringement, and imprisonment.
Reporting infringements
If you see copies of our works, including edited or modified copies, please let us know.
We are grateful to everyone who helps us protect our works.
Also, thank you to the anonymous person who first made us aware of infringing copies of our work, and helped us have them taken down.
Authorized copies
Our digital content is published or sold only through our website and our YouTube channel learntagalog.
We have not granted permission to any other website or platform, to copy, publish or sell any of our digital content.
As for our print material, we have granted permission to sell our print books to stores that work with our distributors.
If you see our material anywhere else, please let us know.
Requesting permission
To request permission to use any of our works, or any of the content on, please contact us.
Final note: Why?
High-quality content in exchange for livelihood and fair compensation
Please respect the rights of content creators. That way, they can keep providing high-quality content that make our lives better.
Creators’ livelihoods depend on this basic respect.
Unauthorized copying and sharing of content discourages them from providing new, valuable material to the community.
Producing quality content takes a lot more time and effort than it appears. From doing research to writing countless drafts, from checking and re-checking for accuracy to polishing the final versions in multiple formats, much of the work is invisible to users.
Moreover, many creators spend months or years doing this work without payment and without any guarantees. It is only fair that they are compensated for taking risks, and for their time and energy.
Integrity, authenticity and accuracy of the works
Please also respect the integrity of the works. Refrain from altering them in any way without permission. To many creators, their works are like their children.
Also, users deserve to have authentic unaltered versions of the works. We have worked hard to ensure the quality, accuracy and relevance of our material, and want our users to benefit from this.
Uniqueness of free material
It’s important that our free material is only available on our website. This is because search engines favor unique content. By keeping our material unique, we ensure its visibility.
Our free material enables people to find our paying material, which supports our work.
If you would like to share our free material, just link to it without copying the material itself. That would help us a lot.
There is no need to reproduce our free material elsewhere. We are providing our grammar book online for free, as well as our articles and videos. Also, there is no need to create flash cards elsewhere. We provide flash-card functionality in the online course.
Support and gratitude
If we want to keep enjoying high-quality websites, books, videos, music, recordings, images, art, and other works, let’s support their creators.
We are grateful to our wonderful users who have supported us over the years.
Thank you! ❤
Frederik and Fiona